Experience the Benefits of Functional Acupuncture
What makes it different?
Dr. Stuart McGill, a leading expert on spine biomechanics, challenges the common belief that back pain originates from spinal structures like discs or vertebrae. He argues that while these structures can be involved, the true cause of pain often lies in muscle imbalances, repetitive movements, and poor spinal stability. Dr. McGill advocates for a comprehensive approach to back health, focusing on proper assessment, targeted exercises, and movement awareness to improve muscle function and spinal stability.
Similarly, Dr. Vladimir Janda, the famous rehab doctor, believed that pain, particularly back pain, is primarily caused by muscle imbalances rather than spinal abnormalities. He observed predictable patterns of muscle tightening and weakening that lead to movement dysfunction and pain. Both Dr. McGill and Janda’s work emphasize the importance of a functional approach, focusing on muscle balance and movement patterns, to effectively address back pain.
Dr. Vladimir Janda (Functional assessment and treatment of muscle imbalances)
Dr. Joseph Wong (The first MD to place acupuncture needles into motor points of a muscle to release tension)
Dr. Janet Travell (Myofascial Pain)
Dr. C Chan Gunn (Myofascial Pain)
Andry Vleeming (Myofascial Slings)
Dr. Andrea Trescot (Peripheral Nerve Entrapments)
Dr. Aldo Perotto (Electromyography and Location of Motor Points)
By studying the work of these doctors I have synthesized their work and translated it to an acupuncture style I call Functional Acupuncture.
My method treats muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, trigger points, nerve entrapments to restore people to pain-free mobility and a better quality of life with fewer drugs and procedures.
Functional Acupuncture also works on athletes for sports performance and recovery.
I work with professional athletes and college athletes to manage injuries and improve their performance.
Functional Acupuncture is a system that breaks out of the failing paradigm of treating pain structurally.
A structural approach only looks at the spine and the joint that is in pain and attempts to correct the problem at the location of pain. They take no interest in how the joint was moving so poorly that there is rubbing, pain and inflammation. They just want to treat the inflammation until they can replace the joint with surgery.
Functional Acupuncture recognizes that pain is almost always due to muscle imbalances that may be due to over-use or traumatic injury. Spinal compression of the nerve can makes the muscles tighter but the pain is from muscular dysfunction, not usually from the disc!

I’m calling it Functional Acupuncture to distinguish what I do from the other acupuncturists who use motor points and trigger points but who, like the MDs are still hyper-focused on the location of the pain and can often only provide temporary relief.
My goal is always to get patients out of my care. I’m trying to correct the problem, not just hide the pain.
If you’ve been told that nothing more can be done for you because of your joint or spinal issues, you should see what a functional approach can do for you.
Dr. Hazel is known internationally for his fast and lasting results. Some of the conditions he treats are:
- Migraines
- Chronic back pain
- Persistent neck pain
- Herniated or bulging disc discomfort
- Sciatica and radiating leg pain
- Shoulder and upper back tension
- Numbness and tingling sensations
- Muscle spasms and knots
- Pinched nerves
- Degenerative disc conditions
- Failed back surgery syndrome
- Postural issues contributing to pain
- Neuralgia and neuropathic pain
- Generalized nerve pain an discomfort
- Muscle weakness and imbalances
- Limited range of motion due to pain
Our tailored treatments aim to alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance your overall well-being. Book your appointment now to embark on a journey toward a pain-free life.
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